Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28th, 8:30pm

Busy day. I was in Ken's room most of the day. Let's see.

General status - he is still doing well. Very little headache remains. He is currently on the following medications:

No news on the cough. He still has it, and it is still bad. His doctor today said that if I can contact the doctor that prescribed the inhaler for him in the past, that he will write a prescription for it. Since we think he had the inhaler around 2003-05, I called his old doctors office from back then, but they have no record of ever having prescribing him an inhaler. That leaves Dr. Bernad. I sent him an email asking him about it, but have not heard back. Shocking, I know.

Today Ken had physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and speech therapy (ST). OT was first, and they worked on getting in and out of a large chair. It was pretty difficult, but he managed. PT came next, and they were working on his range of motion exercises, and then had him stand up and sit down 5 times. It was really refreshing to see him standing up again! Then, ST was later in the day. I didn't sit in on that one, but it is his weakest subject. Lots of work to be done here.

And I guess I should have leaded with this . . . he is getting discharged tomorrow morning into rehab at Mount Vernon Hospital!! This is going to be difficult for him, but is a very big step. He is stable and ready to be transported. This is such a relief!

OH! And eating - He ate solid food twice today!!! His mother went and got some pasta from the cafeteria, and he ate about 1/2 of that (it was a large serving) and when dinner was delivered, it was spaghetti, and I got him to eat about 1/2 of that.

I've got his suitcase almost packed. Going to get a few more things in there (doing a load of socks now) and then we should be all set for tomorrow.

If all goes well, he should be home in 2 to 3 weeks!!!


  1. This is such good news, so good it is hard to put into appropiate words. We are very proud of the efforts extended by both you and Ken. Keep up the good work.


  3. Todd.......I'm so glad that Ken is doing well and making progress. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Please let Ken know we are thinking about him and praying for the best possible. God bless you both.

  4. Dad and Mom - Thanks!! Yea, it is hard to put into words!

    Amy - Drawings and art work for the walls of his room . . . as much as you all can send. Mom mentioned this to me, and when I told Ken that some drawings and colorings were coming his way from the kids back home, he damn near cried.

    Anonymous - Thank you!

  5. Todd, Do you remember the color of the inhaler? any info you can remember? maybe I can help you figure out which one it was....

  6. also, I will try to check the med list for possible cough tomorrow at work. nothing jumps out at me but will not hurt to research a little

  7. OMG!!! Shelley, if you can help us out that would be tremendous!

    I think it was yellow.

    He only gets the cough in the fall right when the temperatures start to change.

    He is fine if he is sitting still. When he starts talking or laughing (or anything that causes the rythum of his breathing to change) be beings to cough. Depending on how much talking or laughing, it can get quite bad. I have seen him turn red and struggle to get air several times. (I've got to stop being funny around him and that just won't do :)

    Any info you can shed will be APPRECIATED! Let me know if you need more details.

  8. we are here for you both

    Dick & Randy

  9. Todd,
    More than likely, a yellow inhaler is Proventil HFA. That is the only yellow one I can think of. Also, I looked up the drugs on this list today. Keppra has a small incidence of cough. Not sure if that is the answer (Ken may fall into that small percentage of people), but may be something to look at. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.

  10. Shelley, thank you so much. I think we got it fixed with whatever the ear nose and throat guy prescribed. The cough is not completely gone, but is WAY better.

    Dick & Randy - THANK YOU!!!!!
