Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday, October 24th, 8:15pm

Still with Ken in his room. He has been complaining about searing pain at his right temple, that comes and goes in waves.

This seemed similar to what he was having when we were at home before the last stroke.

He is out of ICU now, and I think he may have been taken out too early.

The nurses keep saying, well if it happens again, let us know. It is happening about every 10 minutes or so, and I keep telling them.

I finally got the night nurse to make some calls, and she has talked to the neurologist on-call, and they are taking it one level up from that now.

This is exactly what happened the last time he was discharged. He got this searing pain on the side of his head that kept coming and going every 5 to 10 minutes, and when we went to the emergency room, they said he had a 3rd stroke. I fear this may be happening again.

I think they need to get him back on the high blood pressure medicine and move him back to Neuro ICU.

I told them I am not leaving until a doctor sees him. We'll see what happens.

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