Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday, October 20th, 9:00pm

Well, today was pretty uneventful, which can be a good thing.

Ken's parents visited Ken at 11am, and he was doing well. And I went to see him at 6pm and he was also doing fine. Pretty much the same.

I was finally able to get the grass cut, and I handled some insurance issues, and checked some of the rehab facilities to see if they were covered by our insurance.

So far, everyone I have spoken to (doctors, nurses and the case workers) say that there is no better rehab facility for stroke recovery than the Mount Vernon Hospital. This is also the facility that Ken's (hopefully) new neurologist recommends. The only thing is that it is a long drive from Bill and Hellen that live about 45 minutes away in Reston. I'm speaking with Ken's case worker tomorrow morning to get some more information.

Nice even-keel day.

More tomorrow,

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