Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 3:30pm

Got a call from Dr. Deshmukh this morning. He had checked in on Ken and said he was doing better. The twitching of his arm was gone, and his right leg and right arm were responding to stimulus.

We went over for a visit this morning at 11, and he looked better. His speech was also improving. He used to only make a few sounds, but now he seems to be almost forming some words.

Still not eating. Nurse said if he doesn't eat soon, they are going to have to put in a feeding tube.

He is really starting to get frustrated. I think he is beginning to fully grasp his situation. He is showing a lot of frustration and at some times anger. He was crying for the last 1/2 of the visit. I can't even begin to imagine what he is feeling inside.

It's becomming increasingly hard to keep a smile and positive disposition.

I'm going to try and get some sleep before this evening's visit.

More soon.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds good. I hope it is the beginning of a trend. I understand how it could begin to catch up to you. You have been driving at 150%, and I think your batteries may be getting drained. That is why I have been trying to push getting more sleep.You can do this .....because you will do whatever is necessary.
    Try to figure out how to use your network of help you because they all want to help.
