Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday, October 24th, 3:00pm

Hmmmm . . .

I heard from Hellen after their afternoon visit that Ken was complaining of intermittent headaches at his temples.

This is the same sort of headache he got right before the last two strokes.

I called the nurse, Robyn, and told her that the last two strokes he had were preceeded by headache at the temples. I asked her to please call Dr. Deshmukh. She said she would.

She called back about an hour later, and said that they were able to communicate with Ken a bit more, and determine that it was pain at the incision site from the surgery, and that they have given him some pain medicine and was feeling fine now.

So, now the nerves are back on hyper-alert. I'll post again after this evening's visit.


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