Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 21st, 9:00pm

I got a call around 3pm today from a nurse saying that they were going put in a IVC Filter in Ken, and they just wanted to let me know.

I had no idea what she was talking about. I called Amy, and she let me know that it was a filter put in the inferior vena cava to keep any clots from the legs making it up into the heart. They said the doctor would call me to give me more details.

Then 6pm came around, and I went upstairs for the visit. I saw the nurse, and she said they decided to do the procedure tomorrow morning instead. Ken was asleep when I got in, but woke up in a few minutes. We had a nice visit. He seems content and was not in any pain.

He was asking when he would be coming home. I asked if he meant after this, and he said yes. I'm not sure. I told him that he would be going to another hospital for physical, occupational and speech therapy. He wanted to know why he couldn't do all that at home.

Tomorrow, I am taking a tour of Virginia Hospital and Mount Vernon Hospital. These are the two candidates that can provide Ken the service he needs, has available beds, and is covered by our insurance.

Good day.

More tomorrow.

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