Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, October 23rd, 8:15pm

Another good visit. When I got to his room, his dinner was there from earlier in the day with nothing eatten.

After small talk and some hellos, I took the cover off the plate. Vegetarian lasagna and green beans. Actually looked pretty good. I said, "Hey this looks pretty good. You wanna try a small bite?" He said yes, so I cut him a small taste and fed it to him.

He ate all of it!!! And all the green beans!!!

This was so good to see. FINALLY!!

Speech and motion are about the same. It looks like Monday morning transfer to Mount Vernon Hospital.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and prayers!

More tomorrow,


  1. WOW!! That's fantastic....he must be very motivated to move on and get out of there!

  2. It sounds like things are really turning around. We are so glad to haer it! Keep up the good work & let Ken know we are thinking about him!

  3. Awesome news! Next: halloween candy!
