Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday, October 24th, 11:30pm

Ya know, I have to stop and think . . . I have had shit for luck since day 1. Is this rubbing off on those that spend time with me? I mean, really. Is there such a thing as a jinx?

How is it that we are encountering this many people that are inept in their work? One after the other. Things are forgotten.

"Oh, we didn't allow Ken to have food or water today because we thought he was having a procedure, but that was yesterday."

"Oh, yea, that is quite a nasty cough. Let us know if it doesn't go away."

"His head is hurting? That seems odd . . . let us know if it doesn't get better."

I hate cliches . . . I HATE them, but friends, this is "getting old". Ken doesn't deserve this.


  1. Hang in there. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. You are his advocate...his persistent, but remember to win them over with kindness. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  2. How did the CT scan turn out??
