Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13th 3:00pm


Dr. Deshmuhk (the one that did the surgery) has just visited with Ken. He was away this weekend on holiday and only just got back in town today.

He has reviewed everything, and he is now following Ken closely. Because Ken was on the Plavix (blood thinner) for so long, his body kind of was accustomed to it. We had to stop the plavix 10 days before the surgery, and he believes that that has placed him at a higher risk for stroke since his blood-flow (viscosity) has changed.

They are going to keep him there for the rest of this week with a possible discharge on Friday depending on how things go.

Ken's speech is bad, but Dr. Deshmuhk is confident that because the strokes are so small, that he will regain his speech through therapy. They just need to watch him closely for more strokes.

Please, God, don't let him have any more!


  1. How long does he need to stay off the plavix?

  2. He has to stay off the plavix for 4 weeks (28 days). We're on day 9.

  3. He'll make it through this! I think God is bigger than the Plavix!! I'm calling out my prayer warriors to also pray for this too!!

  4. We all appreciate your updates on Ken's progress. Keep up the good fight and stay strong. I'm glad to hear Dr.D is present and helping Ken. Dad
