Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday, October 16th, 3:30pm

Well, let's see . . .

The cough is really bad now. I took his temperature and it's 98.6, so I guess he isn't sick. I broke down and gave him Niquil, but doesn't seem to do anything.

He says that he has a headache, and that the area under his left eye is hurting. This is the same area that has been yellowing I mentioned earlier.

Also he has cold sweats. He says he is cold, but the sheets and pillows are damp from sweat. I flipped the pillow and got him new sheets, and he has gone back to sleep.

Also, I can't get him to eat. I've been giving him fruit juices, V8, V8 fusion, but that is all he will drink. I'm afraid that if I can't get him to eat something we are going to have to go back to the hospital. Or maybe I need to check him into a rehabilitation clinic.


  1. The cough may be worse because he has been sleeping a lot...think about when you have a bad cold, and when you first get up in the morning how much you cough until you really get going. Also, sleeping propped more upright may help him not to cough so much when trying to sleep. Sounds like he may have a bronchitis which is usually viral. The cough can last for 3 to 4 weeks. If it stays worse, or he develops a fever, you should definitely call the doctor. I think he is going to have to force himself to eat one else can do that for him...hang in there!

  2. Thanks, Amy!

    He is taking in calories (and a whole serving of vegitables and serving of fruit in the V8 Fusion), so at least that is good.

    I'll keep an eye on his temperature. He isn't going more than 4 or 5 minutes in between coughs. Seriously, I've been clicking a stop watch from 11am when he got up to about an hour ago when he went back to lay down. 4 minutes and 47 seconds is the longest time between coughs.

  3. Todd,
    If you have any medicine questions, please, do not hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to be your friendly neighorhood pharmacist, long distance that is!
