Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, October 13th, 1:50pm

This was a difficult visit. I am having a hard time communicating with Ken and I fear I may be upsetting him when I can't understand.

The doctor has ordered an EEG, CT Scan and MRI. The EEG and CT Scan were performed already this morning.

The speech therapist will be visiting him this afternoon, also.

I'm feeling a lot of anger at "The System" and I think it is leaking out a little in my attitude. I need to get myself in check.

More this evening.

1 comment:

  1. Please give Ken my love. I totally understand about the system. It was difficult moving back to the US, from Canada, in this respect. Canadian health care is phenomenal, and I was afraid to return to the US. I think that making friends with all the specialists will encourage them to try harder for you, when maybe they wouldn't try so hard for the average, run of the mill patient.
