Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday, November 4th, 10:48pm

A very busy, long day.

Ken seems to be doing about the same. He seems to be under the impression that when the re-vascularization is finished from the surgery he had, that all of this will go away. I don't think he fully realizes what has happened. I don't think he knows that the damage is permanent.

His parents are staying between 4 and 6 hours each day, and I fear Ken is not doing any of the exercises he is supposed to be doing. He has no time with someone always sitting in his room, or sitting in with him during therapy. This needs to be something that Ken goes through on his own. He needs to learn to do things for himself. If he is cold, he needs to learn how to pull up the blanket. Mommy isn't always going to be there.

I think 7 days have gone by now and he is exactly the same as he was when he checked in. He has learned a few more words, and he can stand up from the wheelchair, but not much else.

I may have to go back onto family medical leave to ensure he is left alone during the day to exercise. I don't know what else to do.

1 comment:

  1. This is so hard for him and I know on you as well. Take one day at a time and the adjustments will come as they are suppose to.
    Sometimes it is just easier to deal with things in tiny steps than trying to jump ahead and figure out what the future holds. Keep your spirits up Todd and just let God do His work. I'm not real good at this, however it will all work out in His way and His time.
    I love you guys, Aunt Linda
