Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9th, 6:54pm

Today was a pretty busy day.

Started the day by touring houses with our realtor, Chris Upham. We went to see the first house that was $449,000 and I was amazed at how crappy it was! Cracks in the tub, one of the rooms smelled like mildew, kitchen cabinets were awful. Needless to say, that one is out.

The other ones I wanted to see were kind of disappointing. The first one was already under contract, and the other one was not showing that day because the tenants were sick.

Oh well, we'll look at more this week.

I got the power of attorney forms signed by Ken and faxed over to USAA (our bank) so I can get going on selling the cars. We have decided to sell both cars (Mercedes and the Camry) and get something else. I think I have decided on the BMW 750Li. It is nice an big for Ken to easily get in and out of, and I really like how it looks.

I didn't visit with Ken very long today. I did stay with him for about 15 minutes of his speech therapy, and it was very interesting so watch. Then he said he wanted to go to sleep and he would see me tomorrow.

So, I am going to pay some bills, and mabie watch some TV.

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