Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday, November 8th, 8:33pm

Well, let's see. As Ken progresses, I think these updates will become a little shorter.

Ken is doing well. I was able to see him on Saturday evening, and again today and he is really doing well.

On Saturday, I had a trash party, and it went great. The dumpster is not full, but has a lot of crap in it. I can't believe how many people showed up. And I can't believe that I FORGOT TO ORDER PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!! I gave everyone beer, but there was only chips and nibbles for snacks!!! No one seemed to mind, and really didn't even remember until later the next day. I was really quite surprised by the turn out. And found myself quite touched that so many people took time to drive all the way out here, and help me do some crappy chore. Between that and having Mom and Dad here, it really was very touching. It has been rather lonely in the house for some time, and I really needed the company and the friendship.

On Sunday, Ken's folks, his brother and sister-in-law (Chris and Gwyneth) and my folks and me went out for brunch together, and then to visit Ken. This was such a nice day!! I really do miss seeing Chris and Gwyneth, and it was so nice for us to head over together and visit with Ken. And that was a very nice visit. Ken had not laughed and enjoyed himself that much in weeks. Honestly, weeks. This was so good for him.

House hunting is going okay. The house that I liked, and that Ken liked and was visited by Bill and Helen has now gone under contract by someone else. Poo! Well, something else will come up. I'm heading out tomorrow with our good friend and Realtor, Chris Upham ( will head out to Fairfax VA to take a look at some properties.

I've got to get the Power of Attorney documents notarized. Then I need to sell the Mercedes. Then I need to pay some bills, and focus on trading the Camry in for something else. Ken doesn't want our only car to be the Camry: I don't really know why.

Updates should be more frequent now.

1 comment:

  1. remember we are are here for you - so use us - Dick & Randy
