Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, November 19th, 11:12pm

Things have been going smoothly.

Ken had a fall today - not major. He pressed the nurse call switch to ask for help to get to the bathroom. After some time, he couldn't wait any longer, and walked there himself. He got in and did what he needed to do, but slipped and fell on the floor when trying to get off the toilet. He wasn't hurt at all, but the staff really gave him a hard time for going by himself without ever once acknowledging that no one came to help him.

I can't wait until he is out of that horrible prison.

House closing is tomorrow. I'm not too terribly far behind. I need to disassemble the observatory dome tomorrow at the very least. I have training again with Ken from 9am to 11am tomorrow morning, and should be able to get back here and do that before heading over to the new house for the final inspection, and then the signing and closing. Really not sure how we're going to work with the dogs on the white carpet. I think we may have to pull some of it up and put down a hardwood surface or something.

We practiced teaching me how do transfers today. I didn't really do poorly, but I didn't do well either. We're going to try again tomorrow. I hope I can improve.

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