Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday, November 1st, 2:05pm

Gosh is it November already?

Today was a VERY good day.

When I got there at 10am this morning, Ken was in a great deal of discomfort. He was having a problem with constipation (I know, I know, too much information, but I use this blog as a journal of events, so nothing gets left out)

It took about an hour and a half, but he was finally better. We have recommended a suppository each evening for a while.

After that, he said he wanted to change into clothes. Occupational therapy usually does this, but on Sunday there are no therapies. So I brought him his clothes, and we got him changed out of the gown.

Then he said he wanted to get in the wheelchair. This was a first. The nurse came over, and we got him in the wheelchair. This is the best I have seen him since before the surgery on October 5th! We wheeled him over to the 'Day Room' (a room with tables, chairs, a TV and stuff for visiting). We brought in his lunch, and his parents, he and I all sat and chatted a bit while Ken ate.

Then, he wanted to go back to his room and lie down. I wheeled him in there, and locked the chair wheels. Then he got up all by himself, pivoted, and got into bed. By himself. I damn-near cried.

Then he said he was going to rest, so we headed out. It was a really nice visit. I really think the worst is behind us.

I start back to work tomorrow, so I really needed a good day to help me not worry while at the office. Everything is going to be okay!


  1. Todd and Ken,
    This is just the best news!! I'm so glad Ken is trying to do things for himslef and has the support of one of the best guys I know. Keep on keeping on!! Love to you both always.
    Aunt Linda

  2. Since we're talkin' 'bout it...Hannah has the same problem. She takes an over the counter medicine every morning called Miralax. Our GI doctor told us he firmly believes it should be in the water supply. It is not habit forming, nor are there any side effects. It simply pulls more water into the small bowel, making a softer stool. She takes it religiously every morning. Our pediatrician calls it the 007 of laxatives. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless powder we mix in her drink every morning. You know it must be tasteless if Hannah takes it. It is kind of expensive, but you can get it at Sam's in the huge bottle. It is better than a suppository since it is completely non habit forming....good luck...hope you get a good seat!:)
