Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, November 15th, 8:37pm

Let's see . . . taking a small break from packing.

Went to see Ken this morning and he is really doing well. I have started to notice that the staff has become VERY attentive to him. I am guessing this is because of the stink that I made the other day, and I hope it has not affected him negatively, but it really seems like he is being well taken care of.

The severe hard-of-hearing roommate has been moved to another room. Ken has the place to himself, and image it will stay that way for the rest of this week until he is released on Saturday morning.

Ken is really becoming very independent. He can wheel himself around with his left hand and using his left foot in the wheelchair, and it works quite well. We have gone from him brushing his teeth while laying in bed, to him getting up, getting in the wheelchair, wheeling into the bathroom, and brushing his teeth with zero assistance. (I used to put the toothpaste on the brush, and hold the spit tray for him, but no more!)

Let's see . . . what else. I have to get the emission done on the E350 tomorrow, and review the quotes from the movers. Then I need to have someone supervise the removal of the staging furniture from the new place to ensure they don't trash the place.

I get the feeling this week is gonna FLY by!


  1. Todd, Sounds like things are begining to look up. I'm so glad for you both.
    Your new home looks beautiful and I hope you and Ken will be very happy and comfortable there.
    Keep up the good work and I just know things will become normal soon. Moving is such a big job and can be stressful, but keep on keeping on. You're doing just a wonderful job handling everything that has been thrown at you and I know your rewards are coming soon.
    Love Aunt Linda p.s. tell Ken I send my love and congrats on his improvements!!

  2. Thanks! I relayed your messages to him tonight! Got a nice big smile!!! :)
