Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, November 24th, 9:37pm

Okay, I have a few moments so lets see if we can get all caught up.

Ken was discharged on Saturday.

We got to the house, and I asked Bill to run to the pharmacy to fill Ken's 18 perscriptions filled. They only had 38 of the 75 dilaudid pills, so we had to take those, and then come back for the rest this afternoon.

The movers got to the house on Saturday morning, and moved the sofas, end tables, and some other small pieces to the house. Then they returned on Sunday to move the rest of the house, and it took THIRTEEN HOURS!!!!!!! The movers/packers hated me so bad when they were finally finished. It will take forever to get unpacked.

So, since then, I have been unpacking, making doctor's appointments, cleaning, running errands, and missing baths.

Things are going well. Ken is feeling well and is getting better each day. As of this writing, he is able to walk around the house with supervision, but no assistance. He has a lot more movement in the arm, and the speech gets better each day.

In-home physical, occupational and speech therapy begin next week. Also, his sitter will begin next week (someone to be with him so he isn't alone in the house) and I will return to work on Monday, too. Things will slowly begin to get back to normal.

All is well.


  1. I'm so glad you are in your new house and Ken is doing so well. Take a break and just enjoy the here and now. The unpacking will wait for bit. I wish you both were going to be here for Thanksgiving, but know you will be in our hearts and thoughts and as always in our prayers.
    You have done an amazing job getting everything to come together Todd and I am so proud of you.
    Tell Ken I send my love and hugs to you.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    Love Aunt Linda

  2. We are so glad to hear that things are going well. "Normal" sounds nice...try to find time each day to enjoy it! Tell Ken we are thinking of him! Love, Kim, Brian & kids

  3. Hi Todd and Ken!
    Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like we all have alot to be thankful for as Ken is progressing nicely. We missed you at dinner and look forward to when you both can join us again. Congrats on the house! Looks very nice.
    Aunt Debbie

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