Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4th, 2011 11:33pm

Going to get a little better on updating this bitch. Emphasis on "little" and "bitch".

Looking back, my most recent post is from two and a half months ago. I mention how Ken spends 20 or so hours in bed. Well, we are still there. Still spending about 20 hours or more in bed a day. The time his IS out of bed, he complains of headaches. We've been back to the hospital for CT Scans and MRIs, but nothing new is showing up.

I am really starting to get drained. I haven't had a single day off in almost two years. No matter how I am feeling, I can't take a break, and it's starting to wear on me.

I don't like the person I am becoming.

Other news: Got invisaligns. Ow.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12th, 2010 8:26pm

I'm going to try and get this thing fired up again. Ken is getting closer to being able to use a computer, so I am going to have to sift through my past posts, and look for data that perhaps I should have kept to myself, or posts that may elicit suspicious thoughts (like this post, actually).

The past few months have gone well, but have seen little improvement, other than speech. His walking and movements have degraded somewhat. Ken spends about 20 hours a day in bed because of his pain. Physical and Occupational therapies have suffered because of this, but at least the muscles are not locking up as they did in the past.

We have a doctors appointment on Tuesday to get orders for palliative care. Injections, I think, to control his pain.

More soon.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17th, 2010 11:53pm

I haven't been updating this very much lately, as you may have noticed. I try to tell myself that it is because I am either too tired or too busy. Neither is accurate, honestly.

I just either have no news, or I have complaints, and neither one is a terribly interesting read.

Ken is doing quite well. He is doing more and more. He can walk around the house very well, but still can not do stairs. Even the step into the garage from the house takes several moments of focused coordination. His right arm is doing better as well. He still does not use it for anything, but he can move it a lot more than he could before. When I say, "Ken why not hold the bottle with your right hand while you try to open it?", he looks at his right hand confused, and seems surprised that it is there. He looks up at me and says, "I forgot it was there." Actually what he says is, "the lef one is on okay but did know that when left was there forgot and to use it." His speech has gotten a little better, but not much. It is slow going. The best way to describe it is that he has the vocabulary of roughly a 4 year old. Quantities still confuse him i.e. is 100 more or less than 1000 . . . is 4 months a long time . . . things like that. He still does not understand if Monday comes before Wednesday, he calls both dogs Yodie, he can't tell time, he doesn't know his numbers, days of week or months. He takes 18 prescriptions each day, two of which have a side effect of depression, and several that cause constipation. We get up twice during the night to take pills. I haven't slept more than 6 hours since October.

I keep thinking back to this party we went to at Christmas time. Ken really wanted to go even though he had only been out of the hospital for about a week. It was at the house of two of our DEAREST friends, and we have been to every Christmas party they have had for, I think, the last 8 or 9 years. Ken said he didn't want to miss it.

At this time in December, he couldn't walk, and his speech impairment was pretty severe. I remember I wheeled Ken in, and he felt so good seeing old friends. Then this guy walked up to Ken and started talking about how he had a stroke, too, in October almost the exact time that Ken had his. This guy was standing up, walking perfectly, dressing himself, speaking clearly, wiping his own ass, and was telling Ken about how hard his experience was. Really?? You both had a stroke at the same time, and you're up and walking and talking, and Ken is still in a wheelchair in front of you, and you're telling him how bad it was for you??? Ken asked if we could go home, cried the whole way back to the house, and took almost a week to get over it.

I've been getting more and more un-motivated. I still have eye appointments to make for Ken and social security paperwork to fill out, but I'm not doing it. I don't know why. I feel all I do is go to work, pay bills, fill out forms, clean the house, fill prescriptions, prepare meals, do laundry blah blah blah blah . . .

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14th, 2010 8:49am

Well, let's see.

Ken had another stroke on December 25th. We didn't know that's what it was. He was having really severe headaches, and we couldn't get his doctor on the phone, so we decided to drive out to Fair Oaks Hospital ER in the hopes they could give us a Rx for something.

When we got there, they ran a CT scan and did some blood work and said that everything was fine there. (They wanted to check for cranial bleeding). And the on-call doctor for our surgeon said she wanted to take and MRI and MRA just to be safe, so she asked the Hospital to transfer Ken to Fairfax hospital.

We went over there, the did the MRI and the MRA, and we waited. Finally, they informed us that Ken had had another stroke. The decided to increase his blood pressure medicine and move him to the Neurological ICU.

He was there until about the 31st, and then they moved him into a semi-private room in the stroke center.

They put him on a dilaudid IV drip into a central line with a button he could use to give him a boost of medicine when needed. They slowly moved him off of that over to oral medication - 20mg of oxycotin three times a day, and 4mg of dilaudid every 3 hours. Then Monday afternoon, January 4th, they sent us home.

He is doing well and his pain is well managed. I am worried about him being on that many narcotics, but I guess we have no choice.

We fight constantly now. He has become very emotional, and he swings from very depressed to very angry and back again in the span of a half an hour. I don't know what has happened to me, but I feel like my compassion has run out. He is so unappreciative of everything. I can't tell you the lengths I had to go to to find a speech therapist to visit the house for him, and when she came, he said, he doesn't like her, and wants a new one. I thought she was fine, and is the only one I can get to come here, and she has to drive from Ashburn to get here (two towns over).

He doesn't want to take his pills. He challenges EVERYTHING. He blames me for keeping pills away from him. He wants to take the dilauded every 2 hours, which I think is pretty dangerous, but I just don't care anymore. He took three of them at some point in the middle of the night last night.

If he was a child, I could assert some authority, but he is grown person. I don't know what I am going to do.

Friday, December 11, 2009

-- no title --

Well, I simply don't have any free time at all anymore. I am up at 7am and don't stop until I go to bed around 10. I am physically exhausted. In the past three days, I have collapsed in tears twice. I don't think I have EVER felt this alone.

Ken's parents are killing me, and possibly him too. I got a call from his father this morning saying he had a bone to pick with me. He said he didn't want his wife cleaning up dog shit from my back yard anymore. She comes over every few days and cleans up the dog "leavings" from our backyard, and I BEG her not to. I tell her to just leave it there, and not to worry about it, but she insists on cleaning it up. Then apparently she goes home and tells Bill that she "has" to do it.

Ken has been out of rehab for three weeks now, and I have not been able to get a speech therapist or an occupational therapist to come by the house. I have gone through two agencies now, and have had to fire both of them because they aren't getting therapists to visit Ken. I think I spend almost 4 hours on the phone yesterday. My cell phone battery died, and I had to go to the car and use it so I could charge it. Helen says I am not trying hard enough. I'm not getting any work done at all. And I am so tired, all the time. I want to be selfish. I want just one god damn thing to be about me. I hate me right now.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday, December 5th, 9:51pm

Hi all! Sorry for the lack up updates!

We are getting settled into the house nicely.

And Ken is doing amazingly well! He is walking now, and hasn't used the wheelchair in almost three days now. We had a wonderfuly busy day today. We went to hair cuttery and got hour hair did, then we went to Target and got a gift for a "Toys for Tots" party that our friend Steve and Lisa have each year, and then we went to their house for the party! We didn't stay long, only about 5 or 10 minutes, and it was so nice to see them again. Then we went back to Target for some Christmas cookies and came home and enjoyed them in front of the TV.

In other news, it snowed today. And then snowed some more, and then snowed and snowed and snowed. There is quite a bit on the ground now, and it looks great.

Work is going well. Ken has an in-home aid that stays with him during the day while I am work, and she is really helping out a lot. It is Ken's hard work, and her assistance that has him up and walking as much as he is now.

In the house, I have replaced the faucets in two of the bathrooms, fixed two of the toilets, replaced the kitchen faucet, replaced two of the light fixtures in the hall, and the light fixture in the front foyer and the front porch light, too. I have a bit more to do, but I'm almost done!

Thanks for the well wishes and thoughts!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, December 2nd, 9:30am

Well, the old house is finally on the market!

The pictures are wonderful! This should sell quickly!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, November 24th, 9:37pm

Okay, I have a few moments so lets see if we can get all caught up.

Ken was discharged on Saturday.

We got to the house, and I asked Bill to run to the pharmacy to fill Ken's 18 perscriptions filled. They only had 38 of the 75 dilaudid pills, so we had to take those, and then come back for the rest this afternoon.

The movers got to the house on Saturday morning, and moved the sofas, end tables, and some other small pieces to the house. Then they returned on Sunday to move the rest of the house, and it took THIRTEEN HOURS!!!!!!! The movers/packers hated me so bad when they were finally finished. It will take forever to get unpacked.

So, since then, I have been unpacking, making doctor's appointments, cleaning, running errands, and missing baths.

Things are going well. Ken is feeling well and is getting better each day. As of this writing, he is able to walk around the house with supervision, but no assistance. He has a lot more movement in the arm, and the speech gets better each day.

In-home physical, occupational and speech therapy begin next week. Also, his sitter will begin next week (someone to be with him so he isn't alone in the house) and I will return to work on Monday, too. Things will slowly begin to get back to normal.

All is well.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, November 23nd, 2:54pm

We've been without internet until just now. We are in the new place with 6,243 boxes. Getting settled. More news soon . . .

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday, November 19th, 11:12pm

Things have been going smoothly.

Ken had a fall today - not major. He pressed the nurse call switch to ask for help to get to the bathroom. After some time, he couldn't wait any longer, and walked there himself. He got in and did what he needed to do, but slipped and fell on the floor when trying to get off the toilet. He wasn't hurt at all, but the staff really gave him a hard time for going by himself without ever once acknowledging that no one came to help him.

I can't wait until he is out of that horrible prison.

House closing is tomorrow. I'm not too terribly far behind. I need to disassemble the observatory dome tomorrow at the very least. I have training again with Ken from 9am to 11am tomorrow morning, and should be able to get back here and do that before heading over to the new house for the final inspection, and then the signing and closing. Really not sure how we're going to work with the dogs on the white carpet. I think we may have to pull some of it up and put down a hardwood surface or something.

We practiced teaching me how do transfers today. I didn't really do poorly, but I didn't do well either. We're going to try again tomorrow. I hope I can improve.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday, November 17th, 10:13pm

The house inspection went very well. I think the biggest issue was possible water pooling under the water heater from the vent line from the ac/furnace. No biggie.

Visited Ken this evening and was able to determine that he has had a level 10 headache for about 3 days now. The percocet has not been working. Sometimes, Ken forgets to say 'not' or 'don't' or "didn't" when he speaks, so messages can be misunderstood. The staff thought he was saying, "The percocet is working" but he meant to be saying, "The percocet is NOT working".

They have put him on Dilaudid which I think is like morphine in pill form. I'm a bit scared of this, but really want his pain to go away.

In other news, I am super stressed. Seriously, there really are not enough hours to get things done.

I HAVE to have internet at the house this weekend so that I can get caught up on work, and COX can come out on Saturday the 21st, but they want $129.99 to reconnect the service. Verizon FiOS will give me free installation, but can't get there until the 27th.

OH! And Virginia Dominion Power says that the circuit breakers have to be turned off on Friday morning so they can get a final reading for the sellers before they turn my service on. We have the pre-assessment whatever walk-through on Friday at 2:30pm. I sure hope we have power!

I haven't even started on Gas and Water.

Ken is getting out on Saturday at 1pm. So from Friday at 6:30pm when I get the keys to Saturday at 1pm when I have to pick up Ken, I have to do the following:

Friday night, I plan to take the dogs and all their stuff (food, bowls, towels, leashes, etc) and the cat and all her crap over to the house, and spend the night there with an overnight bag.

Saturday morning, I have to be back at Farmington Drive to meet the movers at 8am so they can move the bed, sofa, night table, and a few other items so that when Ken gets there, he can sleep or watch TV or whatever.

Then I have to go to Mount Vernon to get Ken at 1pm.

Then on Sunday morning, I have to meet the movers at Farmington Drive again to move the rest of the house over to the new house. I'll have to have someone sit with Ken because he can't be left alone.

OH, and almost NOTHING is packed.

OH, and I have to find time to take the POD apart so it can be moved.

Okay, I'm gonna have to ask for help. I just don't know what to tell the help to do.

Some more house pictures

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 16th, 11:38pm

Did I post tonight . . . what time is it . . . hell, what day is it . . .

Starting to get pulled a bit tight. A lot going on, and there is plenty of time to get it all done if everything is coordinated perfectly. One hick-up and things will begin to fall apart. The thing is, I need two of me . . . anybody know how to split into two??

I can start bitching about small stuff like this now, because Ken is really doing quite well. Today, the occupational therapist told me that Ken is able to get out of the bed, walk to the bathroom, bathe, brush teeth, and potty with only a very minimal assist!!!!!!! This is such great news! Yodie can't even do that!!

The right arm still has little to no movement, but they tell us to be patient.

The house inspection is tomorrow. Then the closing is on Friday. Then Friday night, I have to move over the bed and some other furniture. Then the movers show up at 8am on Saturday, and Ken is released at noon-ish, and I need to have someone take over watching the movers to go and get him, and then drop him off at the house, then go BACK to Farmington Drive to get the dogs, and find someone to watch Ken while I do that.

This is like that puzzle from Jr. High . . . the one where you have to get a fox, a duck and a baked ham across the river in a boat that can only carry you and one other thing. The fox can't be left alone with the duck, the duck can't be left alone with the ham blah blah blah.

I'll find a way . . .

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday, November 15th, 8:37pm

Let's see . . . taking a small break from packing.

Went to see Ken this morning and he is really doing well. I have started to notice that the staff has become VERY attentive to him. I am guessing this is because of the stink that I made the other day, and I hope it has not affected him negatively, but it really seems like he is being well taken care of.

The severe hard-of-hearing roommate has been moved to another room. Ken has the place to himself, and image it will stay that way for the rest of this week until he is released on Saturday morning.

Ken is really becoming very independent. He can wheel himself around with his left hand and using his left foot in the wheelchair, and it works quite well. We have gone from him brushing his teeth while laying in bed, to him getting up, getting in the wheelchair, wheeling into the bathroom, and brushing his teeth with zero assistance. (I used to put the toothpaste on the brush, and hold the spit tray for him, but no more!)

Let's see . . . what else. I have to get the emission done on the E350 tomorrow, and review the quotes from the movers. Then I need to have someone supervise the removal of the staging furniture from the new place to ensure they don't trash the place.

I get the feeling this week is gonna FLY by!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

They accepted our offer!! Assuming closing goes well, this is our new house! Click on any of them for a larger view!