Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday, December 5th, 9:51pm

Hi all! Sorry for the lack up updates!

We are getting settled into the house nicely.

And Ken is doing amazingly well! He is walking now, and hasn't used the wheelchair in almost three days now. We had a wonderfuly busy day today. We went to hair cuttery and got hour hair did, then we went to Target and got a gift for a "Toys for Tots" party that our friend Steve and Lisa have each year, and then we went to their house for the party! We didn't stay long, only about 5 or 10 minutes, and it was so nice to see them again. Then we went back to Target for some Christmas cookies and came home and enjoyed them in front of the TV.

In other news, it snowed today. And then snowed some more, and then snowed and snowed and snowed. There is quite a bit on the ground now, and it looks great.

Work is going well. Ken has an in-home aid that stays with him during the day while I am work, and she is really helping out a lot. It is Ken's hard work, and her assistance that has him up and walking as much as he is now.

In the house, I have replaced the faucets in two of the bathrooms, fixed two of the toilets, replaced the kitchen faucet, replaced two of the light fixtures in the hall, and the light fixture in the front foyer and the front porch light, too. I have a bit more to do, but I'm almost done!

Thanks for the well wishes and thoughts!


  1. moving forward - that is great


  2. Sounds great! Glad to hear things are going so well. Enjoy the now...Much love to you both...Brian, Kim, Michael, Emily & Nick.

  3. Todd, thanks so much for the update about Ken and the new house. Thinking of you both and I am so impressed with how you are doing... keep up the good work...God bless you both..Sally Lion

  4. Thanks for the update Todd. I am just so glad that Ken is up and about. I'm sure this does wonders for his attitude and outlook.
    Sounds like you both have been busy, but am glad you're taking just a few minutes to enjoy yourselves.
    The snow sounds wonderful, and at the risk of making everyone here mad, I'm so ready for a big snow storm. Enjoy the beauty!
    We're fine here. Not much new going on.
    Stay well and keep up the good work.
    Give Ken a hug from me and love to you both
    Love, Aunt Linda

  5. I love the good news:) Still praying for you both! Much love:) Amy Sue
