Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Again

Had a nice and relaxing weekend. Ken and I went to a garden party at Katy's house in Warrenton. Wow that was some drive. Can not believe she lives that far out and commutes into the city to work.

We've been shugging through itteration 6a at work. I made a lot of progess today and finished 3 3-day tasks this afternoon. That puts me about 5 days ahead of schedule, so that is a nice change.

Still haven't heard from Allstate about the repairs for the Prius. Waiting for the other driver to contact them and confirm it was his fault. They said if they don't hear from him soon, they will consider that an admission of blame and write me a check for the repairs. I just want that whole mess over.

The weather the past few days has been quite nice. Today seems like it is going to be clear . . . I may get the telescope out and attempt some imaging this evening. In the past 5 weeks, there have been about 5 clear nights.

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