Friday, June 26, 2009


Doing well.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What the . . .

OMG!!! I have had this terrible pain in my gums for almost a month now, and no one could figure out what was causing it. Then yesterday, I felt with my tongue that something sharp was sticking out. This morning the pain was pretty strong, so I went at it with my fingernail . . . . this is what came out!

Click on the image to see the full picture . . .

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Work and other

Iteration 6a ends tomorrow. I'm fairly close to being finished. The Notifications sub tab on the Incident page is giving me a hard time when the incident type is changed for existing incidents, but I may find a work around tomorrow.

Also, the "Clear All" button on the bitmap page is not firing. Got to figure that one out, too.

Today is the first day I have had zero mouth pain in almost three weeks. I will NEVER miss another dentist visit again (and this time I mean it)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another week

Well, a few days have gone by with no updates. Put the blame for that on a really nice relaxing weekend. I parked myself either on the couch or on the PC and just killed time and enjoyed myself.

I did get some "news" on Friday that was originally categorized as "bad news". I found out that my Observatory Dome will not be shipping out from the manufacturer until June 22nd or 26th at the latest. I was quite upset by this news, but realized it was all a lesson in perspective.

Live and learn, right?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Slow day . . .

Not a lot going on today. I had some good progress at work. This itteration has been a challenge, but I feel like I'm making headway.

In other news, I am watching "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" on television. Looks like I will not be getting any sleep tonight.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dentist Visit

I had the final deep cleaning today at my Dentist's office. The nitrous oxide gas did NOTHING! Here is what was left over when I left . . .

While there is some pain, it is not as bad as the left side. The gums on the right side were not as retracted as on the left. I'm still taking 800mg of motrin about every 4 hours and that is keeping things under wraps.

I also found out I had to have a Night-Guard made. I've been grinding my teeth (allegedly) and my enamel is getting thin. It is either this or crowns. That is an additional $600 bucks.

Donations are welcome.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oracle BLOB

IT WORKED!!! I was finally able to successfully convert an image into a blob and upload to the Oracle database via .NET.

Monday, June 8, 2009

New iPhone

Apple announced the new iPhone 3G-S today. Looks like I will be waiting until this comes out in mid June. I qualify for an equipment upgrade on June 24th, so that means I can get this for $300 bucks. That is what Apple was going to charge me to fix my OLD phone!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The brother and sister

Yodie and Carly belting out ABBA's "Dancing Queen"


How does one little, old dog get this dirty?

iPhone repair

Apple wanted $300 bucks to repair the screen on my iPhone. I put a piece of shipping tape on it, and it works just fine. Doesn't look tha bad, does it?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

......the latest

Well, in keeping with the way the past few weeks have gone, I smashed the glass screen on my iPhone.


I'm taking 800mg of Motrin about every 4 hours for mouth pain. I spoke to the dentist's office about next Wednesday's office. I requested a sedation visit, but they have recommended nitrous gas instead. The scraping will take about 2 hours, and nitrous is $95 and hour and insurance doesn't cover it.


And, the power supply of my PC that failed last week and was shipped back to the manufacturer for a replacement arrived. I spent about 30 minutes getting it wired back up, and, yep . . . you guessed it . . . it doesn't work.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Well, when it rains it pours . . .

I've had some pretty strong gum pain the past few days, so I went to the Dentist today. She said the pain is caused by bacteria under the gums caused by severe periodontal disease. I'm not the best brusher in the world, and I had a ton of tartar.

I was in the chair for 2 and 1/2 hours. She only did the left side today. She had to scrape each tooth all the way around down to the root.

I am in some real ouch-ness right now. I've taken 800mg of Motrin, and have a prescription for more, but it's not handling all of it.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Delivery news update

UPDATE (June 1st)
UGH! Now they are not expecting the POD to ship out until the 15th of June. That gives me an estimated delivery date of June 22nd. Surgery is on the 26th. We're cutting it close here, people!

UPDATE (May 25th)
Was able to move the surgery to June 26th. A bit further than I wanted, but she also has the 19th open, so if it arrives sooner than later, I'll move it up.

(Original post - May 22nd)
Bumber. Just heard from the company that is making the observatory. They expect a delivery date of around June 10th. I have hand surgery on the 12th. I don't think that will give me enough time to assemble it, and after the surgery my left hand will be useless.

Going to see if I can push the surgery back a week or so.

Poop :(

Monday Again

Had a nice and relaxing weekend. Ken and I went to a garden party at Katy's house in Warrenton. Wow that was some drive. Can not believe she lives that far out and commutes into the city to work.

We've been shugging through itteration 6a at work. I made a lot of progess today and finished 3 3-day tasks this afternoon. That puts me about 5 days ahead of schedule, so that is a nice change.

Still haven't heard from Allstate about the repairs for the Prius. Waiting for the other driver to contact them and confirm it was his fault. They said if they don't hear from him soon, they will consider that an admission of blame and write me a check for the repairs. I just want that whole mess over.

The weather the past few days has been quite nice. Today seems like it is going to be clear . . . I may get the telescope out and attempt some imaging this evening. In the past 5 weeks, there have been about 5 clear nights.