Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shooting Range

Went to the NRA Firing Range this evening with Dave and Jeff. First time shooting a Glock. Very cool!

(click on images for larger views)



Enjoying a really nice "Antiposto Side Salad" from the deli at work. Need to tell Ken that purple onions might be nice in the pasta salad he is working on. (I told him I don't like mixing crunchy things with soft things, so this might be a hard sell).
(Click image for a larger view)

10,000 Steps

SRA is sponsering a 10,000 steps a day challenge through our insurance provider, Cigna. I signed up last week, and our pedometers were distributed today.

We also got access to a website to track our steps per day, and weight. It doesn't start till Monday the 4th, but I'm going to see how it goes.

For my height and weight (75" & 288lbs) it says I need to walk at least 12,500 steps to begin to burn fat, and keep lean muscle. With my stride (32") that works out to about 6.2 miles!!

I'm not sure if I can do this. That sort of goal can be very de-motivating, but I'm tired of being big. It's not supposed to hurt putting on socks . . . I just keep telling myself that.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Typical Wednesday

Today was a standard Wednesday. Work, work, work and then home to watch Lost! Not much else going on today. President Obama is speaking at 8pm, and I'm hoping he doesn't run over into the 9pm slot.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day One

Decided it might be time to start my own blog, however, I refuse to twitter! :)